Frequently Asked Questions

Gift Card FAQ How Do I Purchase The Rue Gift Card?

You can purchase The Rue Gift Card in a few simple steps at Once there, you will be required to enter your recipient(s) information and select a gift card amount. We will deliver The Rue Gift Card electronically to your recipient(s) email address within a couple of hours after purchase, or you can schedule the gift card to be delivered up to 90 days in advance. If you would like to print The Rue Gift Card and deliver to your recipient in person, just have The Rue Gift Card emailed to yourself. The recipient does not have to be a Rue La La member to receive The Rue Gift Card, but they will need to sign up at Rue La La in order to use it. And of course, signing up is (always) free and easy.

Please note that you may purchase The Rue Gift Card with credit cards (Visa, Mastercard) from US addresses only.

How Do I Use My Rue Gift Card?

It's easy! To redeem your Rue Gift Card, go to If you are not a Rue La La Member yet, you will need to sign-up - it's always free and just takes a little info (your email address and a password).

To redeem The Rue Gift Card you will need the the gift card's number and PIN. Once you've redeemed The Rue Gift Card the full amount will automatically be loaded into your Rue La La Credit which can then be used to purchase any item on You will need to provide a credit card at checkout, even if your gift card can cover the full amount of your purchase.

If you run into any problems redeeming your Rue Gift Card please contact your Concierge at [email protected]. They're always more than happy to help.

Am I charged sales tax when I purchase a Rue Gift Card?

No. If applicable, sales tax will be charged when the recipient uses the gift card credit to purchase an item on

What is the status of the Rue Gift Card that I purchased?

To check in on the status of The Rue Gift Card you've purchased go to and enter the Gift Card Number found on the Order Confirmation email you received after purchasing The Rue Gift Card. You'll be able to see if The Rue Gift Card has been sent or if it's been scheduled for delivery at a later date.

Can I Cancel a Rue Gift Card?

If you have purchased The Rue Gift Card, it can be cancelled for a full refund up until the point that it redeemed for credit by the recipient on To cancel your Rue Gift Card order and get a refund, contact our Concierge at [email protected].